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Creating a SubVI to Configure Instrument Settings (Best/Easiest/ Way all you experts do it)

I have an Action Engine that controls my communication with an instrument (Init_AE, Spot Measure, Start Continuous, Stop Continuous, Measure Continuous, Close_AE). I would like to have a command that is Configure AE that opens a SubVI for editing important controls for the application. I have been going back and forth on how to do this properly for days and am pulling my hair out.


Right now I'm passing in a clustor with all the controls and returning the same typedef of clustor back to the Action Engine to be stored in the uninitialized registor for settings. 


I'm just having a problem with using events within this SubVI and would really appreciate some feedback. I'm sure most of you will laugh at this method i'm trying to implement but I've reached a brain block and need some ideas please. 






Full_B2985A is the main template that I'm trying to replicate from insturment to instrument that I'm programming.

B2985A_AE is the action engine I mentioned above.

B2985A_CFG is the mess of a configuration SubVI I'm working on.

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My personal preference is this LV2011 Calculator function using the Plug-In Architecture with the VI Server.  You will need to change the initial path. Once that is done, you will see it's simplistic adaptability, and elegance.   Heart

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