09-23-2009 01:39 AM
Can i create any event on my own in the event structures? For instance, one can always find the key down and key up events in the structures!!
But what if i want to create a new event such as add/remove hardware in it? Is it possible?
09-23-2009 01:51 AM
Hi Somil,
when should the event occur?
You can use UserEvents. See this link for more information:
09-23-2009 03:10 AM
09-23-2009 04:02 AM
Hi Somil,
what type of hardware is it? Is it an usb device?
09-23-2009 04:04 AM
It can be any!!!
OK, let it be a USb device
09-23-2009 04:06 AM
Hi Somil,
if it is an usb device, then windows sends a message to all windows. I'm not sure for other hardware.
09-23-2009 04:10 AM
09-23-2009 04:18 AM
Hi Somil,
if you can get this message in your vi, then it's enough to trigger your user event. I think there is normally no event like this implemented, so you have to use user events.
09-23-2009 04:26 AM
Oh, ok.
One thing more i wanted to ask regarding dynamic events
I read about those in the link you had provided but wasnt able to get a clear picture. Can you please tell me about them
09-23-2009 04:39 AM
Hi Somil,
see the attached picture as an example.
If you use LabVIEW 2009, then you should be able to insert the picture into your vi, to get the code.