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Crio-9025 replacement

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what is the recommended alternative for Crio-9025? I have a legacy system that needs to be replicated and recommissioned, however, since the system uses Crio-9025 which is no longer available can you suggest the best possible alternative for the same?


As per my understanding Crio-9035 is the closest replacement, can some please confirm if I am right?

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Message 1 of 4

9035 is around for a while, maybe go for 9046? How many slots? 9045 is less temperature range, may be a bit cheaper.

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Message 2 of 4

Thank you for your response, currently we require 8-Slots. In case more are required we will be using an expansion chassis.

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Message 3 of 4
Accepted by linu95k

The 904x and 905x series cRIOs are the latest generation cRIOs so I would recommend going with those. The 905x are generally the lower-cost options (relatively speaking) but if you're upgrading from a 9025 that may be all you need if you're just looking to run the same code on newer hardware.


The cRIO 903x series was a previous generation so I wouldn't recommend it for any new applications. You'll probably see that comparable 904x and 905x cRIOs are cheaper than the 903x counterparts anyway.

Message 4 of 4