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Cuatom DC Sweep for Keithley 2400 via GPIB



I already have an old VI that interface -among others- a Keithley 2400 via GPIB. There is already a DC sweep functionality for linear, log, Exp, inverse and Manual modes.


I would like to expand it and add "custom" sweep to do a rectangular waveform sweep.


Here is an image:



And the front panel:




The Keithly manual describes how commands can be used to implement the custom sweep, but it is not clear for me how these commands will be sent in LV.


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Message 1 of 16

Another question: could the older Keithly drivers (for LV 2009, for example) be used with newer LV (2012 in my case)?

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Message 2 of 16

To clarify: I already know what commands I need to send to the Keithley, I only need to know how to send them in Labview (via GPIB). The current program works fine, I only need to figure out how the commands are sent.

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Message 3 of 16
In approved drivers, the VISA functions (i.e. VISA Write) are used. Some older drivers might use the functions on the GPIB palette.
Message 4 of 16

but the current implementation does not use any VISA vi...

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Message 5 of 16
The current driver from NI most certainly does. Since you have posted any code or even shown a block diagram of any instrument communication, it's impossible to say. You should be able to tell yourself. Don't you have Context Help turned on? Even if you don't recognize the functions, the help window will tell you the name.
Message 6 of 16

OK, after a long tryial and error, and using the Kiethley driver for LV (ver 8.2, attached), I still cannot use custom sweep.


The attached vi has two command boxes, the first is a linear sweep mode that works perfectly, the second is the custom sweep mode (adapted from Kiethley manual) that doesn't work.


The example is based on an example I found in the driver package.


Any help is appreciated.

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Message 7 of 16

Since I cannot edit a post (why?), attached is the same example above but with some typo corrected.

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Message 8 of 16

OK the solution is to use "list" as the output mode parameter for the Read vi.


But when I do something like 0,1,1 custom sweep, the motion from 0 to 1 gives a triangle, I want a sqare pulses. See image:



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Message 9 of 16

Hi ali8,


I'm looking to achieve a solution to the same problem.


Setting up and running custom sweeps for the keithley 2400 over labView and GPIB.


I was hoping you could load up your solution to this on LabView 8.2 software.



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Message 10 of 16