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Curve Fit for PhotoVoltaic

This is an implicit fitting problem.  If you are using LabVIEW 8.0 then there is an example of this type of fitting (examples\math\curvefit.llb\Fit  The basic approach is to treat I and V as separate domains as in a multi-dimensional curve fit, and create a range of zero.  For your model subtract "I" from both sides to get one side equal to zero. This is a function of I, V (and the other parameters) F(I,V, ...)  Now, for every IV point F(I,V,...) should be zero.  Follow the pattern used in the example to finish the problem.

Do you have any IV data you can post, along with the other parameters (k, T, q, ...)?
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Message 11 of 18
You need to return to the fundamentals of curve fitting.  Curve fitting is the art of minimizing the error between a set of experimental data and a theoretical model.  The key point is "minimizing the error".  What you wish to do is take your equation and minimize the distance between the points you generate and the points you have experimentally determined.  It is up to you whether this error is error in the V dimension, error in the I dimension, or error in both.  In any case, you can create an error function.  I would strongly recommend you use a linear (error proportional to linear distance) or logarithmic error (error proportional to log of distance) model rather than a squared model (error proportional to square of distance - used by least squares routines).  Technically, these correspond to a double exponetial or lorentz error distribution instead of a gaussian error distribution.  They are much more tolerant of experimental errors.

Now that you have an error function, you need a way to minimize it.  LabVIEW has several minimizers.  I would recommend the downhill simplex, since it almost always works.  You should rerun it when you finish, however, to make sure you didn't get hung up in a local minimum.

Please read the section in Numerical Recipes on robust curve fitting to fill in the details.  I can't explain it anywhere near as well as the book does.
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Message 12 of 18

I had already attach the data and the program i wrote.

I have gone through the example of the circle fit.

There is four input for the equation x offset y offset radius and  noise sigma to generate the graph and  fit values .

Sorry i still dont fully understand the example and relate it to my situation

Please bear with me.

As shown in the program i wrote is simple.I only have a simple understanding on Labview . 

I have already ordered the book adviced and it will arrive soon. But i would like to solve this problem i am having to move on with other my work.

Please explain more


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Message 13 of 18
I looked at your data, and tried substituting into your model, but couldn't make sense of the results.  Take I=0A, V=18.8V.  Looking at your equation the exponent of e is q(V+IRs)/kT.  I=0, so the exponent is qV/kT=1.6E-19*18.8/(1.38E-23*298)= 715.9.  This is a very large exponent.  exp(715.9) returns +Inf.  Do I have your model wrong?
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Message 14 of 18
Sorry, copied the exponent wrong.  The exponent of e is 731.4.  exp(731.4) results in +Inf.  Same result.
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Message 15 of 18
So sorry you have to divide the voltage datas with 36 as the data is for 36 solar cells.
I have attached a new data giving the actual voltage .
Just receive my book today.
Reading the chapter mention
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Message 16 of 18

Hi DevChander i have already found a way to solve my problem manually.

Now trying to build a program on labview so solve it for me.

Anway just to inform you that i am still waiting for you sample programs.

Want to first thank you

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Message 17 of 18

Sorry for the delay chtan23.

But I could not get LabVIEW installed on my system as yet.Smiley Sad

will see what best i can do to get those fromulas. will keep you posted


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Message 18 of 18