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Custom symbols in listboxes at Edit-Time

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Hello guys,

the only way I know so far to define a custom symbol in listboxes is using the Invoke node, so I need to execute my code in order to store an icon in the control, once it's done I can delete my read PNG file, invoke node and keep coding. Afterward, I can assume the custom symbols are stored in the control and display them properly by setting an index in the property node...


Is there a way to do this without running the code? Just using "Import from clipboard" or any such thing that could be done at Edit-Time using the LabVIEW menus?




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Message 1 of 3

I don't think there's anything built in, but you can write a tool which will do this. If you have LV 2015, the easiest thing would be to write a right click menu plugin which can probably even let you manipulate the specific row directly. In older versions you can use a Quick Drop shortcut and open a separate dialog for managing all the rows of the control.


I seem to remember already seeing such a plugin for one of the frameworks, but I don't remember the details. I would try looking through the QD and RCM groups in the communities.

Try to take over the world!
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Message 2 of 3
Accepted by jimchretz

Oh sure there is a way, using an invoke node to set the image and symbol, then set the symbol.  Attached is an example saved in 2011.


EDIT:  Sorry re-read the post and realize this isn't what you are looking for.


Double EDIT:  But what you might want is this right click menu that helps set symbols.


The source was built off of this which could be modified to run from the tools menu in older LabVIEW versions

Message 3 of 3