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Cycling through images folder in external window

Goodmorning everyone,

I would implement a structure in my VI allowing to cycle through an image folder, displaying those .jpg images in an external window. Moreover, I'd like to choose for how many seconds each pic would be displayed until the next one (sometime like a control in the front panel could work).

It's the first time I work in LabVIEW to import picture, so please be indulgent Smiley Happy


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Message 1 of 4

Use List folder to get individual images file names array and then use build path inside for loop and use IMAQ Read file or Read JPEG


Edit: For delay it should be easy with having slide which defines the loop delay.

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Message 2 of 4

Thank you.
I used a VI found on this forum to open the folder and to cycle all the pics using a button (next and previous). Any tips on how to temporize this process, so that the user doesn't need to press the button, but just to wait x (10 for example) seconds for the interface to show a new picture?

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Message 3 of 4

Use a timed loop and/or a wait state set to 10000 ms. 

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Message 4 of 4