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DAQ Executable hangs and give Resetting Vi message

Hi ,


I have a case in which my DAQ programs sometimes hangs and locks out and after force quit it gives " Resetting Vi" message , I have to then go to task manager and do end task before starting the program again.My DAQ program is a big while loop communicating to several hardware with many instances of visa open and close and consist of several other subvi's. The Hang doesnt occur during terminating the program it just locks out during taking data.
Is there something specifically which I should I lookout for inside the program to prevent hang in future, Is it a visa issue, I am doing visa open and close on every instances of visa call.Please let me know.






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Message 1 of 21

Have you checked the CPU and memory usage? You might want to look into your VIs to make sure none is using all the CPU resources and there is no memory leakage in your program.

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Message 2 of 21

You should share your code, to help us, to help you better..!!

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Message 3 of 21

@moderator1983 wrote:

You should share your code, to help us, to help you better..!!

Hi moderator1983,

My code is a very big project  with more then 80+ subvi and files, also I couldnt share that because of our group policy.



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Message 4 of 21

@SLee2004 wrote:

Have you checked the CPU and memory usage? You might want to look into your VIs to make sure none is using all the CPU resources and there is no memory leakage in your program.

Hi SumTum,


During Data acquisition or running the executable the CPU usage is about 50-55% , and meomry usage is 1.5 gb of the 4 Gb on the computer. Also How should I check that there is a memory leak in a program.





0 Kudos
Message 5 of 21

Restart LabVIEW....!!

>> open your project

>> open top level VI

>> start "Performance and Memory"


Performance and Memory.PNG


>> Run your code... and then wait & watch "Performance and Memory Window"...!!


I am not allergic to Kudos, in fact I love Kudos.

 Make your LabVIEW experience more CONVENIENT.

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Message 6 of 21

The CPU and memory seems ok. To check for memory leaks, record your memory usage at startup. Let the application run for a while and check to see it the memory creeps up. You can use the task manager or the system manager in LabVIEW.

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Message 7 of 21

@moderator1983 wrote:

Restart LabVIEW....!!

>> open your project

>> open top level VI

>> start "Performance and Memory"


Performance and Memory.PNG


>> Run your code... and then wait & watch "Performance and Memory Window"...!!


Thanks, I will check that.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 21

@SLee2004 wrote:

The CPU and memory seems ok. To check for memory leaks, record your memory usage at startup. Let the application run for a while and check to see it the memory creeps up. You can use the task manager or the system manager in LabVIEW.

Thanks,I wil try to see If I can get any info on memory leaks

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 21



What operating system are you working with?

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Message 10 of 21