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DAQ Executable hangs and give Resetting Vi message

@KBreezy wrote:

I guess I'm confused as to why you want to have two sessions.  Why not just keep the original sesssion open for all read/write access through the entire VI?

Hi Kbreezy,


The screenshot shown before was from one of the many subvi which uses the same visa resource name, but not necesarily at the same time , every vi is been called for different functionality hence writing different command to visa resource . All these subvi is the part of the one big main program . this main program contains the functionality for user to collect data, change time constant , sensitivity of the daq hardware etc which require the use visa resource. Now previously my thought was to have the open and close visa in all those subvi's rather then opening visa session for all subvi at once and closing it once the program is stopped. Is this practice good? or should i do other wise.?



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