10-16-2009 04:21 AM
Simplified I'll be doing allot of this:
I will be accessing lots of channels from 3 DAQ's using code that can be simplified to the above.
wrapping the above code as a subvi will give me this sequence:
Channel 1 x20 - Channel 2x20 - Channel nx20
but that's not what I want; I would want something like this: (Channel 1 - Channel 2 - channel n) x20 - (Perfect paralellism or sequence is not required)
To achieve this I plan to set the subvi as reentrant.
The subvi with the code above will be called from 8 "threads", each of them will use the reentrant vi allot. My worry is this: When a reentrant vi completes will it be removed completly from memory, or will every reentrant call I make be stuck in memory as a new clone?
Is the any (other) fallpits i could run into?
Thanks for any advice or assistance.
10-16-2009 07:22 AM
10-16-2009 09:14 AM