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what target for is for


I would like to known what tagert folder is for


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Message 1 of 4

What target folder are you talking about?


Can you post a screenshot of whatever it is that got you asking this question?

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Message 2 of 4



I join a picture to show the target folder


I am a labview 7.1 RT user

Nowadays I program at my office wthout RT target

I have read that you can simulate the  Presence of the RT target  doing new target and device  

as the second picture.

The problem is each time i attempt to run the vi I have a problem

Have I to Put under computer to test it . If so why to advice this




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Message 3 of 4

I had a hard time reading that KB article because NI posted all of the images to a website not accessible to the general public.  Hey NI!  FIX IT!  There are way too many links like this throughout your KB article system.  It's been brought up before.  It would not be that big of a project to search all the articles for broken links and replace them.Smiley Mad


As for your question.  I don't think you are doing the same thing the article states.  The article talks about simulating and FPGA target.  It doesn't talk about simulating the RT system which seems like what you are trying to do.

Message 4 of 4