11-09-2015 07:52 AM
I'm using a USB-6225 DAQ with a task set up to recored 50K readings at 1kHz. across 20 channels. When I invoke the task through LabVIEW, only 9830 points per channel are returned. I've been looking around to see if there's some data transfer or related data size limit or some other reason why I'm not gettting the 50K points for each channel, but I haven't found anything. Any ideas what could be going on?
11-09-2015 07:56 AM
You are asking for 50 seconds worth of data, but I would bet your timeout is 10 seconds (which is the default). So with a 10 second timeout, you should at most get 10kS. Typically in this situation you will want to acquire about 1 second worth of data (1kS) and use a queue to send the data to another loop for logging, displaying, etc.
11-09-2015 08:11 AM