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DAQmx Error 209836 Correlation to NI SystemWebServer

Good evening,


I have an application on a cRIO-9057 that is using DAQmx for the driver interface.


Due to IT security policies, we have to turn off all web services on the cRIO target. 


I have noticed that when I go into the NISystemWebServices.ini file and disable the web services and reboot that when the application starts back up, I keep getting an error -209836 which has to do with DAQmx not being able to find a synchronization source. Is this tied to a web service? If I re enable the web services the error goes away. 



Steven Howell
Controls and Instrumentation Engineer
Jacobs Technologies
NASA Johnson Space Center
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 2

Further information:


I have installed the NTP server on the target and I have it synced with our onsite NTP source and I still have issues with DAQmx with the NISystemWebServer turned off in the ini file on the cRIO 9053 and 9057 chassis.


Do these web services have to be left on for DAQmx to work on a TSN enabled chassis? The error 209836 does not appear when I have he web services on.


Hoping someone else has seen this behavior.

Steven Howell
Controls and Instrumentation Engineer
Jacobs Technologies
NASA Johnson Space Center
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 2