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DIsplaying a message during program execution

Hello All,


I'm trying to display a message during a flat sequence structure where the display shows in which frame the program is currently executing. Attached is my implementation of this idea using property nodes and arrays of strings - but, it doesn't work! Question is why not and if not what would be the correct solution?


Thank you for your help ...

Running LABview 2024 Q3




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Message 1 of 12

Ooops  ...Seems the VI is missing ....

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Message 2 of 12

one more time ...

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Message 3 of 12

Here's a solution ....

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Message 4 of 12

Consider "save for previous" (2020 or below) before attaching. Most here cannot open VIs saved in 2024.


(Also note that you are using LabVIEW, not LABview. Knowing the correct letter-case should be lesson one 😄 )


While I cannot look at your code, often sequences can be replaced by a state machine architecture, so look into that. Overuse of sequences is a hallmark of beginner code.

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Message 5 of 12

Thank you for your feedback,


Yes, I am a novice - First time creating a LabView vi to control equipment.


I did find a solution to my question for now by (still) using sequences, but iI'll look into state machines as well - Thanks for the suggestion.


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Message 6 of 12

@EA2024 wrote:

Yes, I am a novice - First time creating a LabView vi to control equipment.

Fir the first time, you can call it whatever you like. For the second time, try calling it LabVIEW! 😄


(I'll have a look at your VIs later once I am on a computer with LabVIEW 2024. Maybe I'll have more specific suggestions)

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Message 7 of 12

Here's an old post that might give you some ideas....

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Message 8 of 12

No, this is not a "solution" because there are glaring flaws:




  • Your wait has the wrong representation
  • All your value properties should be local variables. Much more efficient.
  • reading the string and writing to itself on top is completely pointless. (It happens only once per iteration of the while loop and in parallel to frame 1. You would get exactly the same (clumsy) behavior if you would just delete the value property on top! I has no purpose at all)
  • Your code cannot be stopped while it is trapped anywhere in the sequence for up to four seconds.
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Message 9 of 12

See if this can give you some ideas...




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Message 10 of 12