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DSC: Create Data Set Marking Server Programmatically?

Is there any way of creating or modifying a Data Set Marking I/O Server programatically?  I am building a LabVIEW DSC system for a client that would like the ability to easily add/remove/modify the data they acquire and log depending on the type of process they are running.  Using the Datalogging and Monitoring project I found on NI's site as a template, I was able to design a system to programmatically create the Shared Variables necessary and modify their logging and alarming specs.  I would really like to be able to associate these created variables with a Run # using the Data Set Marking I/O Server but it appears you need to have a static library with the Shared Variables and Data Set Marking I/O Server predefined.  Is this correct or am I missing a way to do this at run time?  This will eventually be made into an application and I'd like to make the configuration as simple as possible for my client so I was hoping to make a programmatic method rather than have to instruct them on the use of the various NI utilities.  Any thoughts on the issue?


LabVIEW & DSC v8.6




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Hi dhchick,


When you try to add a DataSet Marking I/O server to your project you must have noticed that if you have not already created a library of shared variables, you get a message saying "Unable to query library for shared variable list. DataSet cannot be configured". This implies that the static library has to be present for the system to query before it can be configured. As regards modifying it programmatically, such a thing has never been done or documented and there are no currently exisiting functions in the DSC palette that would let you do this. Hope this helps!


Ipshita C.
National Instruments
Applications Engineer
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