11-15-2023 03:28 AM - edited 11-15-2023 03:29 AM
I missing the Version of "LabVIEW Datalogging and Supervisory Control Module" for LabView 2023 Q3, the Version DSA for LV 2023 Q1 won't work if I create a Project with the Modbus vi's.
Does anyone know when this will be available?
11-15-2023 03:42 AM
Are you using anything else from the DSC Toolkit than the Modbus VIs?
If not I would recommend you to simply download and install the NI Modbus Library with VIPM. It is pretty much the same library as what the DSC Toolkit installs.
11-15-2023 04:13 AM
Thank you for reply.
Unfortunately that's not possible, I work with an external company that develops for us and they tell us what we can use, for Modbus we can only use the DSC.
11-15-2023 05:53 AM
Then your options are limited:
1) you'll have to wait with upgrading to LabVIEW 2023 Q3 until the DSC Toolkit is available.
And you should also consider a plan B for the future. LabVIEW DSC is most likely never going to be ported to 64-bit. But LabVIEW will in the not so far future be only shipped as 64-bit version.
11-15-2023 07:39 AM
I downgradet to LabView 2023 Q1 and the Modbus library is now working inside of the project again.
I'll probably have to wait until DSC is available for Q3.
12-21-2023 04:50 AM
I am facing the same problem right now.
Does anyone now when DCS will be available for LV Q3?