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Daqmx 9.7 Freezes Complete computer

Hi All,


I recently recevied a new computer and I am having a werid problem with my DAQmx Drivers (9.7) on windows 7 with this computer.  The hardware I am using is a PXI-6535 card and a PXI-6115 card in PXI-1073. The code is prety simple and works on all of my old computers. See the attached VI. What I have found out is that the system freezes once it goes to Analog Input. but the behaviour is really random. Sometime the code works for 15-20 time before freezing or sometimes just 3 times and freezes the computer. and then to I have to manually restart the computer.


So to summerize the code works fine on my old PC with windows 7 but with the new PC it doesnt work. I am working with LV 2012 F5 32 bit and Win7 64bit  with Daqmx 9.7. Code works fine couple of time but after couple of run it hangs/Freezes the whole computer and only way to recover is to manually restart.



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Message 1 of 6

Please check the Windows Event Log. Are there warnings/errors?



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Expert: Geometry
Marketing Manager: Just ignore it.
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Message 2 of 6

No thats the problem. In windows event log is also not written but i think I found the problem. Although the PXI- 6115 supports 10Ms and I am using jsut 4M still somehow the DAQmx drivers freezes the PC but when I go lower to 2M sampling rate i stopped getting any errors in the new PC as well.

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Message 3 of 6



which revision is your PXI-6115? Maybe your card is affected by the issue described in this KB article?


Best regards,


Applications Engineering Intern, NI Germany
Certified LabVIEW Developer
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Message 4 of 6

Hi ,


I jsut tested the software patch solution and tested it again with 4M Hz but still the problems comes but using 2M the problem doesnt come at all. Now I would really like to understand what is going on and why it effects on the 2 new PC(win7) not the old PC(win7)

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Message 5 of 6

This is due to a Bus Limitation of your BIOS:


Determining the Number and Range of PCI/PCI Express Root Bus Devices - National Instruments


Message 6 of 6