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Data management with Access DB?

Hi all,


I want to manage many DAQ data according to serial number of some sensors under tested.

DAQ data will be binary (too big).

It can be stored some folders depend on the test date or stored in the separated DB folder for good data.


Something like that Name, Parameters(1, 2, 3), Serial, folder info of DAQ data.


Under Windows 7, I want to retrieve the data according to date or serial number in my labview program.

For example, when I click serial "1", I want to show the list of the related data and display the graph of DAQ data after more clicking. 


1) Is this possible to do with MS-ACCESS and DB connectivity toolkit?


2) Is there a way to manage the DAQ binary file to DB file without writting folder info?


3) I am just a beginner with DB concept and will buy the toolkit.

Where can I start using DB?

In viewpoint of Labview programmer, what are the great differences between mySQL and Access?

To run the DB on Windows and stand-alone executable exe file (vi), do I have to install Access or other DB program?



Message Edited by labmaster on 04-11-2010 11:44 AM
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 12


I am a Database Connectivity Toolset  (DCT) user, for me is a very good tool working with MS Access DB, below you can find a couple links what I consider is a very good start point. In these manuals you will find a very explicit examples of the DCT.


Good luck

Let me know if I can do someting else for you.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 12

Thanks for the reply.

I have one most ambiguous question about DCT.


In most examples, mdb (MS Access) files were used to demonstrate the database.

I got to know I don't have to install MS-Access in handling the mdb (query or insert data).

If so, what's the other functionality of SQL (such as mySql) as well as MS-Access?


What's the condition when we install MS-Access or SQL (or advantage between them)? 



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 12

You don't really need to install Access, but you have to have a database file (mdb) in order for you program to have something to talk to.  But how are you going to create the mdb without Access.  You would be better off to install Access, and you can use it to help you troubleshoot your code.


SQL stands for Structured Query Language.  It is a universal language used by most databases (mostly universal, there are some minor differences between databases).  MySQL is a database program like Access, so is Oracle.  They all use SQL.  With the DCT, you can create SQL commands to use with the database file.  An example of an SQL command is:  INSERT INTO table1 Filed1='Bob'.  This inserts the text 'Bob' into the column called Field1 in the table called table1 in the database file.  Search on Google for SQL to get help on SQL language.  Also look here for a database and SQL cheat sheet.


- tbob

Inventor of the WORM Global
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 12
I use a blank access data base as my starting place.  I dont keep access on many of my computers.  I have the software (db toolkit connect) create tables and manipulate the db.  I have a library of functions I have built including copying a blank database from the data folder if the database doesnt exist then addin the application specific tables.  This way I can create deleted dbs without access.
Paul Falkenstein
Coleman Technologies Inc.
CLA, CPI, AIA-Vision
Labview 4.0- 2013, RT, Vision, FPGA
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 12

I agree by using that method that you don't need Access.  However, I think for a beginner that having Access is desirable so that you can use Access to view the database during the debug phase of your development.  After one is comfortable with writing database code, then Access is no longer needed.  I know it helped me when I was learning.  Now I no longer have to use Access.


- tbob

Inventor of the WORM Global
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 12

Thanks, I confirmed again I don't have to install MS-Access from your comments.

From my understanding, I don't have to have any engines for databasing.

But, what is the database "engine" in this case?

What's the different thing between installing of mySql and none of any engines in my computer?



0 Kudos
Message 7 of 12

Some of your confusion, I think, stems from imprecision in common language related to databases.  People casually refer to an "Access database".  Strictly speaking, Access is a Microsoft Office application (a so-called "front end") for creating and viewing databases, which can be implemented in several different technologies (a so-called "back end").  The native Access back end is a file-based (as opposed to client-server) technology called Jet.  But Access can manipulate data on a SQL Server database, or import data from other esources.  Microsoft provides database interfacing capability on all Windows desktop platforms even if an Office application suite is not installed.  (This common database capability is referred to as MDAC.)  The DB toolkit uses a layer called ADO - ActiveX Database Objects - to communicate with any of the back end database engines.  In your case, you would use "Microsoft Jet 4.0 OLE DB Provider".


To design, view, and manipulate your own Jet databases, I'd still recommend you have an installation of Access somewhere, but no, it wouldn't have to be everywhere your data-gathering application runs.


Create an empty file with a .udl extension, and double-click it.  You'll get a configuration dialog for a new Microsoft Datalink file.  Check the "Providers" tab, and you'll see all the useable backend engines.


Effective use of databases is well beyond the scope of a few forum posts.  I always recommend that you start by getting a good book on relational database theory.  A good, practical book I've used is Rebecca Riordan's text from Microsoft Press, mostly since her emphasis is on Access and SQL Server, and her style is highly readable.


Good luck!



David Boyd
Sr. Test Engineer
Abbott Labs
(lapsed) Certified LabVIEW Developer
Message 8 of 12
Great answer David.  Evidently the user is not familiar with database engines.  You've explained it well.  The only thing I want to add is that you should create the empty udl file with Notepad, not with Word or other text processor that will add formatting, unless you save it in plain text format.  UDL is a plain ole text file.  Also, when using Access, I've had some trouble using the Jet engine.  If it gives you trouble (cannot connect with Test Cionnection), use the Access Database Engine OLE DB Provider.  Try the Jet first though.
- tbob

Inventor of the WORM Global
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 12

Great thanks for the reply.

I can understand the basic concept. 

One more ambiguous question.


I have to acquire DAQ data in high speed. That means very big size of data for each try.

I read in some document database support the binary format. 

In this case, if I add the data to the single database file (mdb), it may be a big problem in someday.


In my rough thinking, I can store the data in separate folder and write only the folder information to the database. When an user select the specific field, there is no problem to display the DAQ data.

But the management of the DAQ data should be done separately (for example, removing from the database).

Am I right for the management of huge DAQ data for my purpose?

or Any other great idea for this?



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Message 10 of 12