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Databinding Slow?



   I'm having a bit of a problem with data binding taking FOREVER as in 20s, in some cases to update. So, I've got a HMI app and a RT app on a cRIO. I have some buttons on the HMI that control a variable that's a shared variable hosted from the cRIO. I use TCP to communicate the data when my buttons are pressed. I can set a breakpoint and see that when I press the button I get the TCP packet immediately on the cRIO and update the shared variable. Now I've got a monitor that's data bound to the shared variable on my HMI. It's what can take quite a bit of time to update. Sorry for not posting the code and the broken grammar, it's late. Any ideas? Is it typical for data binding to take quite a while?

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Can you post a screen shot atleast?
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