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Delta Sigma Synchronization with SAR/Slow Sampled

Hello all, 


So, I have been working on a project where I'm using both NI-9244 (Delta-Sigma) & NI-9212 (Slow Sampled) in an NI-9178 chassis.


Reading the document: Signal-based Synchronization of Analog Input C Series Modules with NI-DAQmx in LabVIEW 

Signal-based Synchronization of Analog Input C Series Modules with NI-DAQmx in LabVIEW - NI


A question arises when I have both these modules in the same task. According to the document, when I place both these modules in the same task the driver configures the Delta Sigma Module to export its internal sample clock to be used by the Slow Sampled Module. When this is done the driver returns duplicate samples for the Slow Sampled Module to allow the Delta Sigma Module to run at a faster rate. 


My question is then: If the Slow Sampled module is returning duplicate samples, what is its actual sample rate (update rate) then of this module? What is the sample rate in between these duplicate samples?


Thank you!


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