07-20-2021 09:27 AM
Is there a way to deploy project settings or reconfigure the NI Scan Engine programmatically?
I have a compactRIO project: A runtime app, some FPGA code running one the cRIO and let say two etherCAT (9145) chassis.
Is there a way of doing more or less what rclick "deploy" function from project explorer does?
I don't have a direct access to the cRIO controller and party who has direct access to it has no LabVIEW licenses necessary to 'deploy' stuff.
As a workaround when I have access to spare controller of the same type I deploy settings there, create an RAD image and replace rtexe applications on the remote controller. Kinda works but its not the best solution. And right now I have no spare controller on hand.
Similar question for deploying EtherCAT topology and/or Scan Engine there.
08-10-2021 04:46 AM
no one?