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Digital waveform channel names are incorrect

The problem here is that a digital waveform (as opposed to an analog one) contains multiple lines, each of which corresponds to a channel in TDMS. In addition, there might or might not be a compression channel (U32), which will create an additional channel in TDMS. The waveform however has only one name attribute. The value of this attribute is used for the first channel name. Specific names for all channels can be entered only by wiring an array of strings to the "channel name(s)" input of "TDMS Write". The DAQmx configuration will influence only the one-and-only name on the digital waveform, it cannot influence the channel names in TDMS.


With that said, if you read your data back as a digital waveform, you'll end up with the exact information you passed into TDMS Write: A single digital waveform with multiple digital lines and a single name.


Hope that helps,


Message 11 of 12

I'm going to assume that you figured this out a very long time ago. None the less, the DAQmx create has a line grouping input. Its default value is one channel for all line. If you don't change that input then you get only a single waveform channel that contains the data for all of the channels. If you right click the "line grouping" input and create a constant you can change the input to "One Channel for Each Line". That should result in each channel having its own attributes.

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Message 12 of 12