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Displaying Data in a Symbol Table to a Graph

Hi. I am doing a project on instrument control and I am onto this part where I have to display a symbol table which is all binary. Does anyone know how to do it? Or could point me to the right direction?
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Message 1 of 8


symbol table



What do you exactly mean by this?

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Message 2 of 8

Hmm... ... it is a function of the 89441A instrument which I am trying to control.  To take a screen shot would be something like this,


Just an example.







Is there anything that lets me display this kind of information?

Message Edited by Emo123 on 08-05-2009 08:11 PM
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Message 3 of 8

How do you want to display it and what is the actual data when you read it?


One obvious way would be to show it exactly as you have it. A string indicator would do. A table could be used and I'm sure even a digital waveform graph.


You will have to do an actual read and not just look at the screen. When you have that, then you can try to detemine how it needs to be parsed/formatted for whatever indicator seems to make sense for the end user. If yu need help, capture the data and attach it.

Message 4 of 8
I don't any equipment that lets me capture and transfer an actual screenshot now. Displaying the data as it is sounds great, maybe I know how to do it?
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Message 5 of 8

I don't understand. You are studying instrument control but you do not have anything to control the instrument?


And I was not talking about screen shots. Those are pretty worthless. Your instrument has to have some sort of remote control interface (GPIB, RS-232, USB, Ethernet) and your pc has to have a matching interface. You would then use an instrument driver or write something with the VISA functions to send commands to the instrument and read return data.

Message 6 of 8
Dude, relax, I am just a total newb when it comes to this. I am using a GPIB cable but I have no idea what to write to the instrument to get the results. All the program blocks seem to apply only to waveforms but I am not trying to display a waveform, it is more like a binaries and values of other things. I have no idea if there is even a x or y axis.
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Message 7 of 8
Have you tried the instrument drivers?
Message 8 of 8