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Does Anybody have labview drivers to program an MSP430 via SERIAL PORT?

Does Anybody have labview drivers to program an MSP430 via SERIAL PORT?
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 60
Hello eyal,
I don't know of a specific driver, although you will find some third party libraries out there if you do a google search.  The alternative is to use LabVIEW Embedded.  The following discussion forum talks about this same question:
Hope this helps,
Applications Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 60

I may be wrong here, but it doesn't sound like he is trying to develop the firmware with labview, he is just trying to program the microcontroller using Labview, maybe just deploying a .hex file?

I have done that with SI Labs processors and their USB JTAG programmers, but have really only had luck in using their dlls or command-line programmers that I called using Labview.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 60

Very old post - but I have a complete implementation of MSP430 bootstrap loader (BSL) in LabVIEW.  Doesn't use any Windows DLLs - pure-G/VISA.  The target needs to have its BSL TX/RX pins, plus TCK and *RST, accessible.  A serial adapter/level converter that maps DTR and RTS to *RST and TCK is needed.



David Boyd
Sr. Test Engineer
Abbott Labs
(lapsed) Certified LabVIEW Developer
Message 4 of 60

Hi David,


I'm interested in learning more about your MSP BSL implementation. Do you have an app note or anything like that to review?


Thanks... Scott Hurst
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 60



I don't have an app note related to my own code, but you can check TI's website for appnote SLAA089C.pdf.  It was the guiding doc I used that describes the BSL architecture and protocol.  I think there's a rev D release recently which adds support for extended-memory devices.


My VIs map pretty much one-to-one with the functions available through BSL, like erase, unlock, read, write, etc.  It's all done as plain-vanilla serial using VISA, no DLLs, so it should port well across platforms and LV versions.  BSL is a masked-ROM feature of all MSP430s that's entered via a pin toggle between the MSP430 *RST and TCK pins.  After that, it's just Tx/Rx on a pair of port pins (unfortunately not the normal UART pins).  Hence the need for a level converter between RS-232 levels and the device.  Contact me via email or provide me your email address to discuss the details.



David Boyd
Sr. Test Engineer
Abbott Labs
(lapsed) Certified LabVIEW Developer
Message 6 of 60

Hi Dave,


Thanks for pointing me to the TI app note. It's now up to rev D.


I'm building a test system for one of our products which uses an NI DAQ card and some custom circuity for the interface hardware and Labview from the front end. I wasn't planning to use RS232. I have DIO available and the signals you indicate that are necessary to implement the BSL interface are there (with some additional mods to my external circuit). Anything you can do to steer me in the right direction would be appreciated.


Tou can reach me at


Regards... Scott

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 60



My full reply is via private email, but for anyone else's benefit who is following this thread, I wouldn't recommend using DAQ DIO for MSP430 BSL.  It's really implemented as an asynch serial interface.  Any comm port will do.


David Boyd
Sr. Test Engineer
Abbott Labs
(lapsed) Certified LabVIEW Developer
Message 8 of 60

Hi David,

          I am working on TI MSP 430.I couldnt get drivers needed to run in the labview DAQ.Could you help me how to interface the serial port using G/VISA.My email address

Hope you get in touch with me.



0 Kudos
Message 9 of 60
Wouldn't it be easier to implement using the parallel port instead of the serial port?
0 Kudos
Message 10 of 60