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Does LabView support the Named Pipe function for interprocess communications

I have searched around enough to know that LabView for Unix supports this feature but don't know about for the PC running Win 2000 Pro.
I am trying to have a LabView program that collects data and displays it using another program (non-LabView) running concurrently. The non-LabView program would display the data in a PPI window. We would like to use a Named Pipe method to transfer the data from the LabView program to the non-LabView program. Can that be done using LabView?
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Message 1 of 11
I believe you can accomplish the same using Datasocket.  Search for examples on Datasocket.  The concept is similar to Unix's named pipes.  What I am not sure about is how to implement the datasocket on a non-Labview program.
- tbob

Inventor of the WORM Global
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 11
As far as I know, LabVIEW doesn't have and VIs or primatives that support named pipes under Windows. However, it should be fairly straightforward to make the necessary DLL calls into kernel32.dll (or wherever they are) to accomplish the job from LabVIEW. Just configure CreateNamedPipe and the rest of the necessary Win32 functions as DLL nodes. Treat the HANDLE datatype as a U32 (or I32, doesn't really matter so long as you're consistent) and you should be good to go.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 11
There is a project on OpenG I have started which does implement pipes access under Windows in a similar way as has been available for Unix already in LabVIEW.

The library is still to be considered Beta and there is no OpenG Commander package yet. I actually intend to also port it over to Linux but that could take a while. If you want to get the library for the time being, you will probably have to learn how to use CVS to access that library on the CVS servers on sourceforge. Alternatively you can access the repository over the web based CVS interface under Here you will have to download everything in the "source" directory and if you want to see some examples for their use also the "test" directory.

Rolf Kalbermatter

Message Edited by rolfk on 07-07-2005 04:41 PM

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 11

Hi, I am really interested in the this topic. I have an instrument (Precitec CRHocodile) that provide a server application. I should develop a client application that connects the server thru a named windows pipe.


I saw this very interesting link:


But I am not sure you can connect a "named" windows pipe. Do you know anything else?



0 Kudos
Message 5 of 11

I think the project you mention in your post only implements the standard IO redirection through anonymous pipes. The OpenG library does also provide named pipes.

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 11

Hi Rolf - do you have a current working link to your named pipe library?

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 11

I haven't done much with it lately. I may get around to update a few things and also get it work for 64 bit but at this time the only way to get the latest version is to access the CVS repository of the opengtoolkit on sourceforge.

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 11

Hi Rolfk,


I am trying to use your package in a simple app in LV2012 SP1 but get all sorts of errors and exceptoins. Since I am not able to open any of the .vi's in the .vip file I am just looking at other people's screenshots and following what they have done.


I am importing the lv_proc.dll as a library, have configured it to Give me the Process Handle Size as the first step (as int32), however it crashes and also causes labview to exit as well.

Edit: I have resolved this!


Is there a manual, or a more indepth documentation? Can we access the .vis in a way other than the .vip file?


Edit 2: I found your website,and downloaded the package, however the problem is I cannot open the files in LV2012. Your vi's are written in LV2013.




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Message 9 of 11

That would be pretty strange. If you access the VIs from the CVS repository of the OpenG Toolkit on Sourceforge, they should be in version 6 0 or so rather than 2013. 6.0 pradates LabVIEW 2013 for about 15 years. So which VIs did you download and from what site (URLl)?

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
0 Kudos
Message 10 of 11