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Does Labview support for all GenICam GenTL compliant cameras

Hi all,

does the latest version of Labview support all GenICam GenTL compliant frame grabbers/cameras?

So far, I see it is limited only to certain type, e.g. GigE Vision Camera.


Looking forward to your response!




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Message 1 of 3

Sigh.  There are GenICam Cameras (which I suspect use IMAQdx) and Frame Grabbers (which I suspect use IMAQ) -- notice the word "suspect", as this isn't very clear to me after 6-7 years with IMAQdx.  Second, there are cameras that NI "officially" supports (a few years ago, this seemed to be Basler cameras, possibly with some support for Axis cameras) and those that seem to "work" with IMAQdx (which probably are many more cameras, including almost all USB-based WebCams).  These "off-brand" cameras can be a challenge (which I'm currently encountering), particularly if they include their own Drivers and APIs (which are usually not LabVIEW-compatible).


The easiest way to see if a Camera might be compatible is to plug it into a PC with LabVIEW, VDM, and VAS installed, and see if MAX "sees" it, and if MAX can get it to "Snap" a picture.  Note that if you are using a camera using Ethernet as a communication medium, the Camera should be on the same sub-net as your PC.


Bob Schor

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Message 2 of 3

Thanks for the reply!

Unfortunately, MAX cannot detect my "off-brand" camera, which is fiber-based.


The associated frame grabber is also "off-brand", but it has its own standard GenICam GenTL producer driver, so that the camera can be recognized in Matlab or Halcon, but NOT in Labview/MAX.

It's a pity!


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