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Does anyone have the library which contains the EPM Phasor?

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Several years ago I've made a program were the EPM Phasor VI was used in. Now after quite some time I want to modify a part of the program, which shouldn't be a big problem but I've lost the EPM Phasor vi from my computer and was too stupid to connect the file to the project and make a backup of the complete thing. I would be glad if I don't have to replace the EPM Phasor vi because I know that the program works fine with usage of that VI.


My question is if somebody has the library containing the EPM Phasor VI and is willing to send the library to me?

(The VI I need is visible on this screenshot:  from one of the people on this forum)


(if someone has the underlying structure without the special VI's than that's also great!)


hopefully someone can help me,



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Message 1 of 11

Is it part of the free base EPM Toolkit?



"It’s the questions that drive us.”
Message 2 of 11

Thank you for you reply,


No not as far as I could find in that library


I use labview 2012 now, when I made the program I used Labview 2010. The labview I use right now already contains the NI Electrical Power Measurement Palette. but it doesn't have the VI I need (showed in my previous post).



As far as I can remember I downloaded the VI/library I'm searching for with the free version of the VI package manager ( but the package manager doesn't contain that library anymore.



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Message 3 of 11

Yeah you can see it online (with enough searching).

Bottom picture shows it clearly in the Electrical Power Measurement Palette (LabVIEW Electrical Power Suite).

Message 4 of 11

Nice! I do see the pallet I used to have. but.... of course there is always a 'but'...., when I follow the steps to download the pallet they redirect you to a Labview 2013 version of the pallet, containing VI's with much more options that I really don't need Smiley Wink (those are the same VI's I already have in my Labview 2012 EPM pallet, but not the one I need, too bad) The VI from the new library that should do the same as the one I need is this one but it has to much functions I don't need and the variables aren't the same format as I use them in the program of mine I want to edit.


So what I really need is an old version of the EPM I guess. But it seems hard to find. If the conclusion after a couple of days is that it can't be found (downloadable) than I will remake them myself but if it isn't necessary than I won't of course.


0 Kudos
Message 5 of 11

Hello Jorick,


I personally also worked a few years ago with the old version of the EPM Palette and also had to do a new project recently to make a Power Quality demo.


I wouldn't advise that you stick to these older VIs, seeing that they do not seem to be available in the newer versions of the EPM Palette.

It might be the ideal moment to port to the new version.


Based on your drawing it seems like you just want to create a phasor from your 3-phase current signal to get a standard 3-phase Vector Diagram.

Is this correct?


Basically you could just use the following components in their order of appearance:

- Go from your measured waveforms to your fundamental vector (CDB) array representation (phasor):

- Adapt the fundamental vector array (CDB) so that the first waveform channel you measured produces the "zero" sequence":

- Use a Build Array function to put the zero sequence, the positive sequence and the negative sequence in the same array (CDB).

- Plot the result using the Vector Diagram Indicator:


Kind Regards,
Thierry C - CLA, CTA - Senior R&D Engineer (Former Support Engineer) - National Instruments
If someone helped you, let them know. Mark as solved and/or give a kudo. 😉
Message 6 of 11

Hello ThiCop,


If I would make a new program I will use the new EPM pallet, but I would like to use the old EPM pallet this time because I know the program works perfect with the old EPM pallet. So why would I change that part of the program? Smiley Wink


This is a part of the program where the EPM Phasor used to be placed (now I changed it to the: Fundamental Vector VI, I know it doesn't work this way but I needed a screenshot and I was busy testing some stuff so thats why the Fundamental Vector VI is placed on the position where the EPM Phasor used to be placed.)



It's programed in a way that I don't do anymore, I've learned better ways but it works so I can't complain.


So it's not that I have a problem that I can't get it to work but the thing is that I would rather use the VI I know Smiley Wink

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Message 7 of 11

I have contacted the person (Xooch) that posted this: on the forum a while back with the question if he still had it, but sadly he didn't have it anymore.


I will try to get the program to work with the new EPM pallet, but if somebody is able to send me the old pallet than I would gladly receive it Smiley Wink


The signal I'm using this VI for is a sine from custom made audio file with a sort of sweep (not like the ordinary sweep) between 10Hz to 30kHz and I need the exact phase between the current and voltage signal. The old EPM Phasor worked perfectly with that signal and until now I can't seem to get the new one to give me correct data (I haven't worked on it for long, but only a few small tests).

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 11

Hey Jorick,


I think you might just be missing one concept.

The your "fundamental vector" is a Complex Double (with a real and imaginary part).

If you need a polar representation (r and theta), then you just have to use the "Complex To Polar" VI afterwards.

This produces a theta output and should give you degrees.


Can you check if these are the degrees you're looking for?


Kind Regards,
Thierry C - CLA, CTA - Senior R&D Engineer (Former Support Engineer) - National Instruments
If someone helped you, let them know. Mark as solved and/or give a kudo. 😉
Message 9 of 11
Accepted by Jorick

I guess it was kinda late yesterday...Smiley Wink


The test program I've made works now. (easy as that, about five minutes work, a clear mind and your tip helped Smiley Wink)
screenshot 4.jpg

screenshot 3.jpg


I still have to implement it in the program I want to use it for, but I guess that won't be a problem.

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Message 10 of 11