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Does anyone know why the mixed signal graph stops allowing traces to be drag'ed and dropped between different plot areas?

I have a mixed signal graph that allows me to drag and drop my traces between the plot areas,  then it stops allowing it.
If I start with a new graph it allows it but eventually stops allowing it.
I have 4 XY charts feeding the one mixed singal graph through a bundle function, then I run it once and drag my traces to the correct plot area
and hope that it keeps working.
Best Regards
Tim C.
1:30 Seconds ARRRGHHH!!!! I want my popcorn NOW! Isn't there anything faster than a microwave!
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Message 1 of 3
Found that if I save and exit then reload it works from then on.....   HMMMMMMM
1:30 Seconds ARRRGHHH!!!! I want my popcorn NOW! Isn't there anything faster than a microwave!
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Message 2 of 3

Hi Tim,

That sounds like some interesting behavior.  Can you reproduce what you were seeing, or have you continued to be able to drag the signals to other plots since you saved and reopened your program? 

Jennifer R.
National Instruments
Applications Engineer
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