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Double Rate Gige camera

I have recently bought a PhotonFocus DR1-D2048x1088C-192-G2-8 Camera which is a standard gige camera but has a function called "double rate" which does image compression I believe to get almost double the frame rate of standard gige cameras.


Now this works in other software I have tried but in both MAX and also the NI Vision software we have, the picture comes up as hazy/snowy when double rate is activated.


Now I believe this is a driver thing and the people who I bought the camera from are asking if National Instruments can call on a specific driver or dll rather than their inbuilt one? 


I am in no way and expert so hope I have made this clear enough.


P.S I could not see the Ni Vision forum and appologise if this is in the wrong spot.

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Sure, this can be done.


The amount of work around depends on quite a few factors.

You cannot usually directly call 3rd party library functions, becouse LabView cannot handle specific data format conversions between LabView format and library format.

Therefor, you need to create a C wrapper around that library and export C style functions, that use simple datatypes e.g. (int*, int...).


You will need to get BGRA8b for colored or MONO8b / MONO16b / MONO32b for grayscale image pixel format from the manufacturers functions.

If the libraries have some different output from the decoder, you would need to convert it.

How to get the image from vision to you library memory and back, look here.


Further in LabView, you can call these exported functions through "call library function node".


If you are not familiar with C, this cannot be done, unless the libraries you want to use are designed for LabView.

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