12-15-2008 10:27 AM
@Wiebe: the right-click menu to inline a SubVI is already there, you just have to enable it. Add the following line to the LabVIEW.ini file:
12-15-2008 11:10 AM
02-12-2010 04:24 PM
I have been using this application with a lot of sucess, and am currently looking into using it in a more automated fashon. I don't know if you are familiar with the microprocessor SDK product, but you generate C code in the same process you would use to build a *.exe.
In order to improve efficiency and minimize memory allocation, I would like to programatically inline my VIs (and save to a different spot) every time I generate C code. I have a really simple VI which does this using your application, but for some reason when I insert my VI (with your VI) inside the plugin VI which generates the C code, I get an error:
Possible reason(s):
LabVIEW: Invalid Class Operator VI.
Method Name: Class Operator:Set
Do you have any suggestions? Should this work in the context of a plug-in VI? Its hard to diagnose since I do not have access to your VI.
02-12-2010 04:35 PM
02-12-2010 04:43 PM
02-24-2010 09:05 AM
I notice that the inliner automatically places a sequence structure around the inlined subVI, is there a way to modify this? I know that if I manually inline the subVI this option is exposed.
02-24-2010 02:12 PM
02-25-2010 08:19 AM