10-25-2012 11:26 PM
Anyone happen to have the Dynapanels source code? Or something similar?
I am making a banquet room diagram program and would like to play around with a feature very similar to the Dynapanels program example.
The somewhat unorthodox/unconventional method I was planning on making my program was:
- Creating a scaled image of the floodplain set as a front panel background and locked into place.
- Then creating to scale custom controls/indicators resembling the tables/chairs/items
- This is where the Dynapanels feature comes in. The palette will contain the custom controls/indicators and be able to dynamically add them to my front panel 'floor plan'. Also move/remove them as I please.
- of course then I would add the ability to save/print the front panel image.
Any help would be appreciated.
10-26-2012 07:54 AM
Googling "Dyanpanels" led me to a couple of forum posts by Tushar_Jambhekar.
You may want to try to send in a private message and ask him directly. If not that, post a message in the thread http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/DynaPanels-Now-we-can-place-controls-dynamically/td-p/991918 where he talks about it.
10-26-2012 08:29 AM
@Jmeister wrote:
Anyone happen to have the Dynapanels source code? Or something similar?
I am making a banquet room diagram program and would like to play around with a feature very similar to the Dynapanels program example.
The somewhat unorthodox/unconventional method I was planning on making my program was:
- Creating a scaled image of the floodplain set as a front panel background and locked into place.
- Then creating to scale custom controls/indicators resembling the tables/chairs/items
- This is where the Dynapanels feature comes in. The palette will contain the custom controls/indicators and be able to dynamically add them to my front panel 'floor plan'. Also move/remove them as I please.
- of course then I would add the ability to save/print the front panel image.
Any help would be appreciated.
I have done that using a Picture control. If his code does not meet your needs, you at least have another option.