06-13-2010 12:15 PM
06-13-2010 01:05 PM
Sorry but I have tried the way that you suggested but I was not succesful. I keep reverting back to the old VI because my professor did a similar example in class so I figured that this was the correct way. I wanted to read the file in this manner because later this week I will be testing it with an actual ECG signal so I figure that it will be easiest to actually convert the blocks that I have into the DAQ blocks for the equipment. Please suggest. Sorry again.
06-13-2010 01:13 PM
Then post your modified program.
You must have missed something from the example. Perhaps the DAQ was set for multiple samples. Perhaps the point-by-point filter functions were used. Perhaps a shift register with a build array was used. Perhap your professor does not know LabVIEW.
06-13-2010 01:55 PM
For now I am not trying to use the DAQ Acquisition method because I first want to simulate that the program works before I test it.
Ok but from what you are saying, the reason it is not working is because of the single point acquistion. You are telling me to read the entire file, and then do the analysis using the peak detector as the values are being read in? I am still kind of lost here.
06-13-2010 03:23 PM
06-14-2010 05:23 AM - edited 06-14-2010 05:31 AM
SpeakerBoxx wrote:Dennis,
For now I am not trying to use the DAQ Acquisition method because I first want to simulate that the program works before I test it.
Ok but from what you are saying, the reason it is not working is because of the single point acquistion. You are telling me to read the entire file, and then do the analysis using the peak detector as the values are being read in? I am still kind of lost here.
The program you have posted have never given any useful output. Have you put any effort into solving your problems? Like have you read anything about the functions you are using and how they work. Or Have you tried the example finder and searched for say peak. Labview programming is not just tossing some VIs out on the block diagram, and then hoping it will work.
If you go to help in the toolbar, you will find the Example Finder. It is a great tool then you are stuck. At the same time then you are in the help menu. Enable the Show Context Help option. And keep it that way always.
Test the setup in the zip file. Open the "main ECG Waveform simulator.vi"
06-14-2010 11:02 AM