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Hello. Good evening.


I am electronic engineering's student and I'm developing a LabVIEW VI to control one EPOS2 70/10 and a brushed DC motor and I use an incremental encoder too.

However when I run the examples provided by Maxon Motor, called MoveToRelativePosition, MoveWithVelocity, MoveWithIPM, DataRecording and GUI Demo, in which I'm basing me to build my Virtual Instrument, the VIs sometimes run, sometimes LabView stop and other times an error occurs in VCS_OpenDevice.

Could you help me solve this problem?

Thank you very much in advance. 🙂

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Message 1 of 2

Hello GabrielMorgado,


In the following link have a little explanation about use EPOS2 with LabVIEW.


Fore more detailed help I suggest you contat Maxon support, since they develop EPOS2 LabVIEW library.



Abel Souza
Engenheiro Eletrônico
LabVIEW User since 8.5
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Message 2 of 2