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ERROR Reading Parameterized Query

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Hi everybody!

I have got this problem.

I have written with the Labview DB Connectivity Toolkit a VI reading Data from a MS Access DB through a Parametric Query.

If the fields of the query come from the same table The Query works properly in Labview.

BUT if the fields of the Join Query come from different tables related to each other, Labview shows me this Error:


Error -2147467259 occurred at NI_Database_API.lvlib:Cmd>Untitled

Possible reason(s):
ADO Error: 0x80004005
Exception occured in Microsoft Office Access Database Engine: Operazione non valida. in NI_Database_API.lvlib:Rec Create ->NI_Database_API.lvlib:Cmd>Untitled


I'm enclosing 2 examples of two Query with the same parameters:

-the first with all the fields from 1 table (Running)

-the second as above just adding 2 fields from a related table (Giving Error)


Could you please help me? It's really important!

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Accepted by topic author Niccolo'

Can you attach three things -- the VI that works, the VI that fails, and a test Data Base that we can use to study this?  Note that you need to attach an actual VI, not a picture, as we need to be able to inspect, test, and modify the code in order to provide the best help for you.


If you need to attach more than three things, get everything you want to attach into a folder, compress the folder, and attach the resulting .ZIP file.


Bob Schor

Message 2 of 3

Guys, thankyou very much.

I have changed the relationships between the tables in the Access DB and rebuld them and the Querys work on Labview.

So the problem wasn't LAbview.


All's well that ends well!!

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