05-16-2016 04:31 PM
Hi all,
05-16-2016 04:52 PM
You know, I tried clicking on your picture and it wouldn't execute! Does that mean your code gives me 0 counts?
Seriously, since this is your first post, you might not know that "looking at a picture" isn't much help to us when we are trying to see what you are really doing. The DAQ Assistant "hides" many details, which we can discover if you attach your VI to your post.
Please attach your VI and we will take a look at it and (maybe) make useful suggestions.
Bob Schor
05-16-2016 06:11 PM - edited 05-16-2016 06:12 PM
Get rid of the DAQ Assistant. Use the actual DAQmx API so that you can get your timing a little closer to reality.
05-17-2016 11:44 AM
Hi Bob,
Thanks for your reply.
I attached my VI
05-31-2023 01:04 PM
Hi I have the same VI you are suggesting but my counting is always 0, I have the signal on the scope and its a square pulse with variable frequency 0-300 Hz, any suggestion why is it not working? please
05-31-2023 08:34 PM
Please see @crossrulz's excellent, elegant, simple DAQmx "solution" to this simple edge-counting problem. The Dreaded DAQ Assistant should (almost never) be used. I'm convinced it was "invented" for NI "traveling Sales reps" who show up at schools and companies with simple-minded Demos ("Look how easy you can gather data with LabVIEW -- there's even a DAQ Assistant to take the burden of "wiring" your Instrument off your plate."). Sorry, I've been to too many of these (though a Sales rep hasn't been seen out our way for about 6-8 years ...).
Bob Schor
05-31-2023 08:54 PM
Thank you, is good to know, but my problem was solved adding a chanel node for the counter with the terminal property wired.