06-23-2009 08:28 AM
Hi, I need to replicate the expressVI "Mask and Limit Testing". In runtime, the user can press a button and the same panel than the expessVI should be opened.
A couple of questions:
1) Is it possible to edit the Configuration Dialog Box of this express VI? I can find just the SubVI and SourceVI, but not Configuartion Dialog Box. Whether I cannot edit it, is there any chance to use this dialog box programmatically? Creating an instance?
2) Writing code, how can I replicate the same functionality? I did it using the method "Map coord to XY", but it is not exactly what I want.
Thanks a lot.
06-23-2009 10:10 AM
06-23-2009 10:54 AM
I installed the Express VI development Toolkit. But when I run it, it appears completely empty (see picture).
Then it cannot help me.
06-23-2009 11:50 AM
06-24-2009 03:58 AM
The configuration dialog box is a another different VI respect the SubVi you put in your block diagram. What I need is edit the VI you can see in the attached picture.