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How to display binary information in sequence ?



I made a small program that open a binary file, which is actually a video, and store data of the first frame in a 2D array. I display it in the front panel without using an external display (Imaq Create with Imaq Array to Image). I tried a for loop to display the first ten frames which works well but at the end of the loop, I only have access to the last frame.


I would like to display the images in sequence and keep them in memory, using a scrollbar for example to have access to every frame of the video. I browsed the forum but I only found one thread dealing with that matter and the goal of the poster was to display and fade images (using the Motion example).


Any idea much appreciated!


PS: could you please upload Motion in 8.0 version?

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Message 1 of 8

I could try to run Vision assistant and open images. But it means that i have to save every image before opening them with Vision. It won't be that heavy for ten frames, but how can i do for a whole sequence?

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Message 2 of 8

I finally used an array of images out of the for loop, based on


Could someone upload the example motion in version 8.0 please ?

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Message 3 of 8
It would help if you provided a link to where you actually found that VI.
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Message 4 of 8
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Message 6 of 8


This is a little simpler.  More general too.  Of course you could replace the property nodes with constants too.

Tim Elsey
Certified LabVIEW Architect
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8

Thanks for the upload!


I got the image array from but i don't know how i can create it by myself. I can't link ArrayToImage to an array.


Do you have any idea how i can create it ?


PS: Thx elset I will keep the array of images to proceed my sequence.



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Message 8 of 8