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Elliptical gauges instead of circular gauges

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Ravens Fan wrote:
Then wouldn't it be easier to buy either a 17" or 19" monitor that is the normal aspect ratio?  You could get a flat screen LCD version of one of those for about $100-200.  You've already spent more than that in time trying to hack the controls.

He's off in his own little world.  I'd already mentioned this fix, along with another easy one:


All wide-screen monitors include, in the built-in menu, an option to display in 4:3 aspect ratio mode.  Usually this is even remembered for each monitor resolution.  So one other easy way is to break out the monitor's manual, access that feature, select it and then you're done.




I doubt he will find wide-screen drivers for the display card because it's a very old card and it's a server.  They skimp on server graphics because they figure you'd do most of your managing remotely.  The graphics port is really only there in case of emergency.  In fact, it can probably even be booted without a monitor and have no POST error.  (It might even be bootable without a keyboard.)

Message Edited by billko on 09-28-2009 11:30 AM
(Mid-Level minion.)
My support system ensures that I don't look totally incompetent.
Proud to say that I've progressed beyond knowing just enough to be dangerous. I now know enough to know that I have no clue about anything at all.
Humble author of the CLAD Nugget.
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Message 21 of 28

billko wrote:

He's off in his own little world.  I'd already mentioned this fix, along with another easy one:


All wide-screen monitors include, in the built-in menu, an option to display in 4:3 aspect ratio mode.  Usually this is even remembered for each monitor resolution.  So one other easy way is to break out the monitor's manual, access that feature, select it and then you're done.




I doubt he will find wide-screen drivers for the display card because it's a very old card and it's a server.  They skimp on server graphics because they figure you'd do most of your managing remotely.  The graphics port is really only there in case of emergency.  In fact, it can probably even be booted without a monitor and have no POST error.  (It might even be bootable without a keyboard.)

I remembered you suggesting it, but I'd figured it was time to point it out again.  In the process of trying to save money by using ancient equipment, he's costing himself more in time trying to find a hack to make that equipment work.  He's been on this for several days now.  That has to have cost more than a new monitor.  And of course the other option as you might have said is to scrap the PC and replace it with a more modern one.  Actually, by using the wrong resolution for the monitor, not only is the image getting stretched, it probably looks like crap and would look blurry.  That is certainly what I see on mine when I try to send it the 4:3 resolution to my widescreen monitor.  Not so much blurry, but a noticeable lack of sharpness.

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Message 22 of 28

Ravens Fan wrote:

billko wrote:

He's off in his own little world.  I'd already mentioned this fix, along with another easy one:


All wide-screen monitors include, in the built-in menu, an option to display in 4:3 aspect ratio mode.  Usually this is even remembered for each monitor resolution.  So one other easy way is to break out the monitor's manual, access that feature, select it and then you're done.




I doubt he will find wide-screen drivers for the display card because it's a very old card and it's a server.  They skimp on server graphics because they figure you'd do most of your managing remotely.  The graphics port is really only there in case of emergency.  In fact, it can probably even be booted without a monitor and have no POST error.  (It might even be bootable without a keyboard.)

I remembered you suggesting it, but I'd figured it was time to point it out again.  In the process of trying to save money by using ancient equipment, he's costing himself more in time trying to find a hack to make that equipment work.  He's been on this for several days now.  That has to have cost more than a new monitor.  And of course the other option as you might have said is to scrap the PC and replace it with a more modern one.  Actually, by using the wrong resolution for the monitor, not only is the image getting stretched, it probably looks like crap and would look blurry.  That is certainly what I see on mine when I try to send it the 4:3 resolution to my widescreen monitor.  Not so much blurry, but a noticeable lack of sharpness.

Maybe he's mistaking the blur caused by interpolation as anti-aliasing.  😉


At any rate, I wonder why this person is so stuck on programming a software solution to a hardware issue?  Especially when the fix is so simple?  



He said:
But I can't believe that  the 610L graphics capability is so poor that it can't show a circular gauge as it is ! I am not asking for high end 3-d image rendering.


 But that is precisely what the issue is!  Even high-end servers have crappy graphics cards because they don't expect you to be doing stuff on a SERVER that involves high-end graphics (save a few hundred bucks in graphics that they don't need, spend it on a high-end proc, which they WILL need).  We converted our high-end quad-core servers into (interestingly enough) LabVIEW workstations, then found out, to our dismay, that the on-board graphics did not support the wide-screen displays we had just ordered.  Looking back, it was perfectly reasonable.


This person needs to face reality!  Hmmm... that sounds like such good advice, I think *I* will follow it!  🙂



(Mid-Level minion.)
My support system ensures that I don't look totally incompetent.
Proud to say that I've progressed beyond knowing just enough to be dangerous. I now know enough to know that I have no clue about anything at all.
Humble author of the CLAD Nugget.
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Message 23 of 28

Hi Ravens and Billko,


I can understand your frustration and the eagerness to help all the same.


I am not dumb not to see the reason in matching the aspect ratio of the monitor to the resolution selected. But in a forum posting, you don't tell all your problems, just not to bore the audience. Like the PC is the client's property and he does not understand an iota of the resolution issue. He wants things round. Period. SO changing hardware is ruled out.


Anyway I have now got the DELL monitor's driver CD and once I locate a matching resolution I should be done. Will keep ya posted.

LabVIEW to Automate Hydraulic Test rigs.
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Message 24 of 28

Raghunathan wrote:

Hi Ravens and Billko,


I can understand your frustration and the eagerness to help all the same.


I am not dumb not to see the reason in matching the aspect ratio of the monitor to the resolution selected. But in a forum posting, you don't tell all your problems, just not to bore the audience. Like the PC is the client's property and he does not understand an iota of the resolution issue. He wants things round. Period. SO changing hardware is ruled out.


Anyway I have now got the DELL monitor's driver CD and once I locate a matching resolution I should be done. Will keep ya posted.

Ouchies, that slap stung!  You are right, we don't know all the boring details, and ugh - now we know you are pretty hog-tied, ham-strung or whatever you would like to call it.  That was a fairly deserved slap - BUT - it probably could've been avoided if it were simply stated that obtaining a hardware solution was not an option early in the evolution of the thread.


My advicee is, therefore a bit modified.  If you're brave, you might suggest to the customer that if you could reconfigure the monitor, everything will be nice n round.  However, it would seem that you have a fairly chilly relationship with your client (maybe due to the fact that this client is the President of his/her company), so maybe you can have "your guys" talk to "their guys."


Other than that, I think maybe someone is setting you up for failure, either accidentally or intentionally.  😞



Message Edited by billko on 09-29-2009 12:08 PM
(Mid-Level minion.)
My support system ensures that I don't look totally incompetent.
Proud to say that I've progressed beyond knowing just enough to be dangerous. I now know enough to know that I have no clue about anything at all.
Humble author of the CLAD Nugget.
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Message 25 of 28
Accepted by MogaRaghu

Hi Billko,



Sorry if I had been blunt. Your suggestion that I should have mentioned about the impossibility of changing hardware must have been mentioned early in posting is a valid one.


ANyway I have finally managed to download a suitable driver for the Graphics card from the Intel site and which to my good luck had 1440 x 900 and that worked well.


Problem solved. All my gauges are now round to the dot !!


LabVIEW to Automate Hydraulic Test rigs.
0 Kudos
Message 26 of 28

I'm glad to hear you got it working.


But I must say, shouldn't you have marked my reply #18 as the solution where I suggested "try downloading the latest version of your video driver and try again"?Smiley SurprisedSmiley Wink


0 Kudos
Message 27 of 28

Raghunathan wrote:

Hi Billko,



Sorry if I had been blunt. Your suggestion that I should have mentioned about the impossibility of changing hardware must have been mentioned early in posting is a valid one.


ANyway I have finally managed to download a suitable driver for the Graphics card from the Intel site and which to my good luck had 1440 x 900 and that worked well.


Problem solved. All my gauges are now round to the dot !!


Very good!  At least they did have updated drivers after all.  (Whew!)  Raven has a valid point, though.  At least give him kudos.  🙂

(Mid-Level minion.)
My support system ensures that I don't look totally incompetent.
Proud to say that I've progressed beyond knowing just enough to be dangerous. I now know enough to know that I have no clue about anything at all.
Humble author of the CLAD Nugget.
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Message 28 of 28