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Error 1 open file .vi in LabVIEW 7

Hello Julien,
thanks for your notiz. Sorry, I coundn´t send you a copy of the program,
´cause it´s to extensive.

But the problem I have is very simple.

I use a VI where I read data form a file in form of a string. I do this in
LabVIEW7 with the functions "Read Charachters from" inside of the
functions there is a function called "Open", there is the problem.

The program I´ve develop is subdivide in different steps. So I work with
menus an menu items.

When I start the program I use the VI all along to read data from files,
without problems. But unforeseen there came the errormessage:

Error 1 happend in Open File.
possible reasons:
LabVIEW: outputparameter is not valid or legal.

NI-488: command requi
re, that the GPIB-controller is a aktiv controller

I hope you understand much more so that you be able to help me.

Thanks you

----- Original Message -----
From: "jumarion"
Newsgroups: comp.lang.labview
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2004 11:34 AM
Subject: Re: Error 1 with Open File

Hi Daniel,
I'd be happy to answer your question quickly but I need an English
version of it.

Could you send a copy of your VI, it could be easier to debug it that

Ich bin Französich und spreche nicht Deutsch.
mit freundlichen Grüßen
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 5
Hi Daniel,

Off-topic : You're lucky I've seen your answer ! What I recommend you is comment my answer because NI sends me an e-mail when you do so. If you ask another question I don't get informed and it's possible that I don't see it. Thanks !

To answer your question, the only way I've been able to reproduce your error 1 is when the file path fed to the "Read Characters From" was not a correct path (e.g : "z:\" or "r:\" - which are not correct drives on my computer). In order to avoid this be sure to feed correct file path to the VI.

Anyway I recommend you use low level VIs to read characters from files. You'll have a better view on what happens with those VIs. I've attached a picture of what you could use for this kind of reading.

Hope this helps !
Message 2 of 5

Hi there,


It seems I am having the same problem. But I didn't understand your solution, why is it better to build such a complex way to open a file, then a simple box?


In the attachment I am sending my VI.



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5

Please attach your actual VI instead of a picture. It would also be important to know what's in the path control. Is it a valid path to a file?


Your VI makes very little sense overall. Whay are you reading the same file 5 times as fast as you can and the looking at only one row each time? Reading the file needs to be done only once before the loop. Then you can autoindex at the loop boundary, eliminating everything else, except for the array indicator. Still, things will be so fast that all you will see is the 5th row. Maybe you want to place a small wait so you see the reading of each row.


What is your LabVIEW version?

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

Hi there,


Thanks for the answer.

I'm answering in the topic:



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Message 5 of 5