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Error -1073807339



I am new with Labview and I am currently trying to connect a Lecroy HDO6034 oscilloscope via USB to perform a data acquisition using a NI driver.

I can see in NI MAX that the scope is connected to the computer but when I try to use a driver I get this error message :


Error -1073807339 occurred at VISA Clear in LeCroy Wave>LeCroy Wave Series Acquire

Possible reason(s):

VISA:  (Hex 0xBFFF0015) Timeout expired before operation completed.


I looked it up online but it did not help me to resolve the problem.

Also when I go in the Visa Test Panel in the USB Control (input/output) I get this in return data :


USB Control In
wIndex: 0x0
wValue: 0x0
bmRequestType: 0x80
bRequest: 0x0
wLength: 0x0


VISA:  (Hex 0xBFFF0078) La valeur de certains paramètres n'est pas valide (ces paramètres ne sont pas connus).



Is someone capable of helping me resolve this ?


Thank you.. 🙂

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Message 1 of 6



A time out error is saying the scope did not respond to something. (Or, you have tried to read something from it when there is nothing there to read).


The error you are getting from the VISA tool is because you are not using it correctly.


Go to the "Basic I/O" tab and hit the "Query" button and you will see the scope respond to the "*IDN?" query that is there by default:


i.e. Not this:



Instead, use this:





Leonard Brown
Applications Engineer
Teledyne LeCroy


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Message 2 of 6

Thank you ! The problem is solved ! 😄

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Message 3 of 6



I am currently having the same issue with my Keithley 2450 (using a USB to connect to my computer), but when I clicked query, it gave an error message (screenshot attached below). Does anyone know how to fix this?


Thank you!

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Message 4 of 6
Since the original thread was about a LeCroy scope you should have started a new thread.

How is the instrument connection listed In MAX? As USBTMC or are you using a USB-RS232 converter?
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Message 5 of 6

Sorry for the thread inconvenience. We are using a USBTMC connection. Under Device Status in NI MAX, the device is listed as working properly/we should be able to communicate with the device, but we are still receiving this error.


Thank you!

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Message 6 of 6