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Error -1073807343 with Arduino Uno



I got a Vi communicating with Arduino Uno via serial port with Visa, lab view 2011. It was working for a few months now, and suddenly today I got this error:


Error -1073807343 occurred at Property Node (arg 1) in VISA Configure Serial Port (Instr).vi->3 ControlingGenerated

Possible reason(s):

VISA:  (Hex 0xBFFF0011) Insufficient location information or the device or resource is not present in the system.


I looked on the forums, and people got same problem, but in different circumstances, so solutions to theri problems don't apply to mine (or I just don't figure it out).

When i run my Vi, immadietely I got above error. What is more, after this happens, I can't connect to arduino in any other way (via arduino serial monitor for example). When I try do so (communicate after error occurs) I get warrning that com port is already in use. Strange thing is. If I restart my computer, and run arduino's compiler and run serial monitor it works just fine, I can communicate with arduino. When I close it and runs VI everything goes wrong. I've reinstaled drivers (from 1.0 to 1.0.1 from arduino) but 1.0.1 seems not to be working (I can't run the compiler, drivers were installed correctly I think).

My stop and parity bits are set correctly as I was working with my VI for at least 3 months.


I can supply You a snippet of my program, but I don't know how to do it.

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Message 1 of 12

You have either a VISA Resource Name control or constant. On the right side is a little 'down' arrow' You should click on that and see a list of resources. Pick the com port that you have connected to your device.


Your other problem is that windows does not allow more than one process at a time to connect to a serial port. You would need to close down your LabVIEW program to use any other serial program. If you have any other serial program running, you will get an error (a different one than -1073807343) if you try to run LabVIEW.


p.s. Attaching a snippet or the VI is trivial. See the Browse button next to the box under 'Attachments'. Click it.

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Message 2 of 12

I rather got a problem with creating snippet in LV, but I managed to find it. Here it is.

I got Visa control, and I always set port to correct one (COM7 in my case). Strange thing is, I kept using this Vi for some time, and suddenly today something happend. Anyway, I think this is not LV problem (or at least not only lv,  but serial communication in general) In my 1st post I told that using LV "breakes" my ability to see/read from port. Actualy it started working, after restarting pc, reattaching all the wires that my arduino holds etc. Anyway, when it was working correctly, same problem occured only inside the arduino IDE serial monitor (hyperterminal). So no LabView was involved in that. Still, i find it strange. Maybe this is some hardware/windows issue. Any of You guys know what it might be ?


P.S. I attached only a part of my Vi not to blur Your sight into it. I got a producer-consumer architecture there, and serial reading is what is done in producer part. As I said, this might not be lab view issue 😕

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Message 3 of 12


I would like to know some more information about your configuration to detect where the problem is comming from.


1.Please tell me what operating system do you use when you encounter this issue. 

2.How often does this problem appear?

3.Does the problem appear with arduino hyperterminal is you do not use LabVIEW at all from the moment when your computer ?


please try the following and tell me what happened :

1. try to "reproduce" the problem with the arduino serial terminal. When the problem appears go to Device Manager . Do you still see the COM Port that Arduino was on?

2. when the problem appears, unplug the arduino and plug it back in

does the problem continue to exist or does the hardware work properly ?

3. try to reproduce the problem with the LabVIEW VISA Read program When the problem appears go to Device Manager . Do you still see the COM Port that Arduino was on?

4. when the problem appears, try to read something with arduino serial terminal after you modify the name of the com port in device manager

is the problem solved?

if Yes: run again the LabVIEW program and configure it with the correct values for VISA . Does it run correctly?

if NO: unplug arduino and plug it back in. run the LabVIEW program and configure it if necessary. Does it run correctly?


As your error says: " VISA:  (Hex 0xBFFF0011) Insufficient location information or the device or resource is not present in the system. " there is a problem with the COM Resource.Please try the suggestion above and tell me what happens.





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Message 4 of 12

Sorry for chaotic 1st post, but I need to fix it asap and this error drives me crazy.

I've arrived at my workplace and I will now try to follow the steps.

Here is information I know already:


1. I'm working on windows xp

2. almost everytime. For 10-15 attempts I have 1-2 without error. What I was doing till now looks like that: I run Arduino IDE - upload a program, open hyperterminal to see if it works (it works) then close hyperterminal, go to LV and LV returns an error. Generally opening hyperterminals many times in a row doesn;t change anything (no error).

3. It happened ONCE only. First I thought it's LV issue, but after this one time, when I have not used lab view since restert of my pc I think its some system/arduino board issue. This one time, I opened hypeterminal, it worked, I closed it. Tried to open again and error occured. I will try to reproduce it.



2. Already done it. It didn't help. What is more, Arduino IDE didn't show the port on it's "aviable com ports" list. It disappeard, and re-pluging wouldn't fix it. I need to restart my pc.


Other thing - sometimes this error is described the other way (not hex 0xBFFF0011). I don't remember actual hex but it then says "miscelanous system error"


I have to add something.

My arduino is reading rectangle impulses from encoder (i don't know if this is english word, it's basicaly a device that sends rect impulses based on motor rotation. It sends 300 impulses everytime motor rotate around via 2 pins. Other 2 pins are +5V and gnd.). Arduino reads those impulses, and after specific count of them is read it sends some digits to pc via serial port. I got 2 programs for arduino. One does what is mentioned above. Second one simulates the readings from encoder (it just sends data to pc every x miliseconds). Let's call 1st program Counter, and 2nd Simulator.

I think this error won't happen with simulator (almost for sure for Arduino IDE, have to check if for LV too). I think it only happens when i upload Counter, and some wires are connected to arduino board.


Maybe boeard is damaged somehow.

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Message 5 of 12

3. Reproducing with Visa Read ( I actually use advanced read and write because it works in while loop). I run it few times already, and couldn't reproduce the error. After turning stopping hte LV program I opened Arduino Hyperterminal and it worked fine. Also did it few times. Generally this works. Im using Counter program, everything is connected etc. I've uploaded some other sketches and still no error occured.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 12



I understand what the microcontroller is doing.


When you upload a program to the microcontroller, you use the serial port(that's what happens behind the Arduino environment .

1. Please make a simple program that sends the same numer on the serial line twice a second or a little bit faster for example, load the program on the microcontroller and let it run.

The program should start when the microcontroller is restarted if you have the bootloader.

2. Try to make a simple labview program that just reads from the serial line and writes in a numeric indicator for example.


Run the VI multiple times. Does any error appear?

if an error appear please tell me if you cand see the COM port for arduino in Device Manager.



You can try the same with Putty  to read the serial line.

Does any error appear? Do you see the COM port in Device Manager?


If no error appears run the hyperterminal for Arduino multiple times just to see the data . Does any error occur?


If the problem appeared with hyperterminal, it might be a problem of the drivers. What revision is you board? 

Normally the COM port for arduino is made with a USB-RS232 adapter which is placed on the arduino board and that with it's drivers might cause problems.





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Message 7 of 12

Ok, I've done some trobleshooting. I could not reproduce the problem with Arduino hyperterminal, examples for LV and even my own Vi.

Then I changed something and error occured. I got all working when motor was running before Vi start to run. So I wanted to check if error occurs if motor is standing still when Vi starts (my program waits 10s for readings and if none appear there is timeout). Also I've plugged projector to my computer (as my program is about projecting data based on readings from arduino). After those 2 things changed error occured. My projector got VGA connector plug (15 pins)


The error I've got was:

Error -1073807360 occurred at Property Node (arg 1) in VISA Configure Serial Port (Instr).vi->5 ControlingGenerated
VISA:  (Hex 0xBFFF0000) Unknown system error (miscellaneous error).


Immediately after error:

1)COM port is aviable in Device Manager

2)COM port is aviable in arduino, but when I want to connect to it with hyperterminal arduino returns "com port in use already" error


I unplugged projector then and checked if Vi will run. I got another error:

Eerror -1073807246 occurred at Property Node (arg 1) in VISA Configure Serial Port (Instr).vi->Advanced Serial Write and
Possible reason(s):
VISA:  (Hex 0xBFFF0072) The resource is valid, but VISA cannot currently access it.


You have mentioned trying to change COM port name, but I don't know how to do it.


I've then re-plugged the arduino. This is where COM port disappear from Device Manager and arduino ide. Plug is plugged back, but I cant see the port.

the error I get in this moment is:

Error -1073807343 occurred at Property Node (arg 1) in VISA Configure Serial Port (Instr).vi->3 ControlingGenerated
Possible reason(s):
VISA:  (Hex 0xBFFF0011) Insufficient location information or the device or resource is not present in the system.


I will now try do what You've mentioned in Your last post. I think if I restart my computer everything will be just fine.

Case might be with this projector. I have recently changed cable for a longer one and I think i didn't use that cable with that projector before. Cable is ok, because I used it earlier to connect my laptop to my lcd at home.

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Message 8 of 12

I made a mistake above - after repluging arduino it disappears frm arduino IDE but is aviable in Device Manager. LV as mentioned returns error saying that there is no device.


I forgot to add - I'm using Arduino 1.0. After i got this error i downloaded arduino 1.0.1 but this version is bugged, I can't run it.This is common problem, as I saw people with same error looking for solution on the arduino forums. There is unofficial 1.0.1.c version, which run smoohtly, but in my case is all the same. I downloaded 1.0.1 drivers, 1.0.1c drivers but still the same, I've changed it back to 1.0 after testing.


On the forum I found something about dcom98 driver from windows helping with some serial issues. I havn't install it yet, as this is some old driver, do You think it might help ?

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Message 9 of 12

Ok, now I'm a bit lost. I restarted my pc, with projector unplugged, so everything should be in right state. I run arduino, and couldnt upload my probram, because error appeared immediately. Till now i thought restart restore "ok" state of the issue. Another thing is, while writting this post I put my hand on usb cabble connecting arduino to my computer and I keep hearing a beep my computer generates when something is connected to the usb port. This might indicate that my arduino cable is damaged somehow.


Edit: ehh, I can't reproduce the beep thing 😕

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Message 10 of 12