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Error -1074397038 occurred at IMAQ Grab

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We are using the SU320CSX IR camera; and have used it previously (within the last 9 months) in tandem with labview. However as of August 2019; we are unable to operate the vi on labview 2017; as it gives an error "Error -1074397038 occurred at IMAQ Grab".


We checked the sui image analysis software and camera seems to be working fine and is definitely being detected by the PC; does anyone have a solution to this?

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Message 1 of 5

That error message makes no sense!  It involves a serial communication problem, and you are using IMAQdx and doing a Grab Setup, which should have nothing to do with serial communication (unless your Camera is doing something funky).


When trying to help with an Error, it is so valuable to be able to see the relevant LabVIEW Code (VI, or VIs, or, best, the entire Project, which you can attach by compressing the folder containing the Project and attaching the resulting .zip file -- do tell us which VI throws the error ...).


Bob Schor

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Message 2 of 5

Hi Bob, 


Sorry for the late reply, we were trying to configure the vi to the IMAQdx grab setup (it was previously attempting to run on IMAQ).

I tried a simplified version of my vi attempting to just grab an image but I'm still having the same error. I've attached the vi to this file. I'm getting the same error for some reason.



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Message 3 of 5
Accepted by spadmanabha

Well, I took your code, removed the string constant wired to the IMAQdx Open Camera function, right-clicked that terminal and dropped a Constant (which defaulted to a Camera I/O constant), clicked the little Triangle (which populated it with the Cameras plugged in to my laptop, namely my WebCam), then placed a While Loop around the IMAQdx Grab and the Image "thing", added a Stop Control, and ran it.  Unfortunately, there was this really homely guy looking at me on my Front Panel -- looked a little like me!  Oops.


"Snap" is for a single Image (like snapping a photo).  "Grab" is for a video, which generally means that the output is present for one frame's worth (typically 1/30 of a second).  Grabs should be in loops.


Bob Schor

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Message 4 of 5

Thanks Bob!


I messed around with what you said and updated to the NI IMAQdx 19.5 after speaking to the camera manufacturers, and now it seems to work. Thanks so much!



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Message 5 of 5