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Error 1502 Excel Add Reference to

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This seems like a Microsoft vs LabVIEW compatibility error.  Trying to build an application I receive "Error 1502 occurred at AB_Source_VI.lvclass:>AB_Build.lvclass:".  The broken vi is located: C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2016\vi.lib\addons\_office\excel.llb\Excel Add Reference to  I hesitate to send out another service request as I do not wish to re-install LabVIEW or "make the program again".  The second image is the same as the first except the tip strip is visible in the second.  I am unable to right click and "relink" in the same manner that worked the last time there was an ActiveX change/issue/thing.  I await some condescending responses and hopefully a good suggestion.  Thanks.

Error 1502 A.pngError 1502 B.png

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Message 1 of 7
Accepted by topic author hefengloven

A colleague was able to perform an application build with the source code on his machine.  I replaced the _office folder with a copy of his and I am now able to compile again.


C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2016\vi.lib\addons\_office

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Message 2 of 7
Accepted by topic author hefengloven

I encountered the problem again.  The application builder broke the  I opened my control panel and performed the quick repair on Office 365.  It took about 30 seconds to repair.  When I opened the vi again it was miraculously fixed.  I guess an office file went missing, no idea why, I feel LabVIEW is responsible.  I am now able to build the application again.

Message 3 of 7


@hefengloven wrote:

I encountered the problem again.  The application builder broke the  I opened my control panel and performed the quick repair on Office 365.  It took about 30 seconds to repair.  When I opened the vi again it was miraculously fixed.  I guess an office file went missing, no idea why, I feel LabVIEW is responsible.  I am now able to build the application again.

"I opened my control panel and performed the quick repair on Office 365."


Could someone precise how to do this, please? I also have the same problem after installing Office 2016 (365).



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Message 4 of 7


Lasting Fix:


1.  Open the


2.  LabVIEW then recompiles the VI for whatever version of LabVIEW is being used.  So when we try to exit the VI we get this:



3.  It is at this stage that we get the broken arrow:



4.  At this point we can right click on the invoke node and relink it to the active X library it's calling which results in an extra field:


5.  After this the VI works without issue.


If we fail to relink the invoke node, the VI will save in a broken state and become unusable until someone relinks the invoke node.


NI has been sent the fix.


Good Luck!





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Message 5 of 7

Thanks hefengloven,

I made the correction, but stiil have the same problem you had on 04-24-2017 post, where _Workbook>VBProject output was a Variant instead of an Automation reference of class in NI_Excel.lvclass:Excel Add Reference to


Would I be missing something?


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Message 6 of 7

Hi DCanQAlias,


did you manage to solve the problem? I have the same problem of having outputs as Variant instead of Reference.


I've reinstalled LabVIEW and Office and even Windows, which corrected it but after a day, the problem appeared again.


Any help will be much appreciated! Thanks!

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Message 7 of 7