03-22-2010 04:49 PM
I am trying to copy multiple files from a server to the local machine. I am using Ftp Get Multiple Files.vi.
I have given the Username, password, Host.
When i run it, it shows the following error. Can anyone help me in this?
03-22-2010 05:25 PM
03-22-2010 05:41 PM
Hi Mark,
Thanks for your reply..
I know i have given the host, user, and the password correctly as i have used it log into FileZilla-free open source ftp solution.
But i am not sure about what should be the path for the File specifications - the details associated with this array cluster.
I have given the normal system path to it.
You have any comments on this?
03-22-2010 05:56 PM
I am sure in giving the host,user and password entry correctly, but not sure with the remote/local path in the file specifications.
i have given the path as "/D/new/filename"
i have entered two data in the array. Now it gives Error 426: Connection closed.
11-28-2014 11:10 AM
I had the same error for the invalid syntax and it was related to the remote path.
I just entered the name of the File, e.g. filename.txt
I think in Arvinth's case, you'd need to remove /D/ and just use: new/filename
Hope this helps someone else.