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Error 200016 after doing self calibration for the first time

An error popped up after I did a self calibration for the first time in years on our DAQmx cards particularly PCI-6023e and PCI-6722. This also happened after I upgraded our labview software from 2012 version to 2014 SP1. I was running our program on the 2012 version even after the upgrade. I tried to run the DAQmx Self on its own and was successful but the problem still occured. Anyone had this problem out here?

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Message 1 of 10



What version of the DAQmx driver do you have?



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Message 2 of 10

Hi Luke, I have the DAQ 14.2.0 driver. I am trying to upgrade it to 15.0.1 version now. I found out that our DAQ cards were never calibrated since 2004 so I did a self calibration (at least just to bring it to "sanity") before I initiate a calibration request but this error came up.

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Message 3 of 10

Hi Arcus,


Is it possible for you to place the Self Calibrate.VI within one of your LabVIEW programs to see if LabVIEW will use the calibration information when you run a DAQmx task?

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Message 4 of 10

Hi Luke, I did what you told me and the vi was able to extract the self calibration date. However, the error still keeps popping up every ~1.5 secs. the program continues everytime I press "continue" in the error window.

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Message 5 of 10

Hi Arcus,


Is it possible for you to perform an external calibration on your devices?

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Message 6 of 10

Hi Luke, I will be sending it for calibration later on once I solve this issue. Is the external calibration has something to do with it? it is way overdue but just want to make sure I solve this issue first prior to sending it out for external cal, our spare one was already used up.

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Message 7 of 10

Did the problem continue after you updated the drivers?  I'm not sure how much I'd trust the 14.2 drivers as they came out before 2014 SP1. 


If you're sending it in for a cal, I'd expect they'd update the date/time.  Whatever you put into that place wouldn't be of much value as they'd write over it anyway.  If that's holding you up, I'm not sure why.

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Message 8 of 10

Hi natasftw, Yes even when I upgraded the drivers to 15.1.0. I can see the cal dates (external and self cal) from NI MAX and also when I add the DAQmx Self Calibrate information property node.

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Message 9 of 10

Hi All,

I decided to send the cards for calibration and see if calibrating fixes it. As a containment, the error is hidden away by disabling the error message prompt and selecting "no dialog".

This works fine for now until I get the cards back.


No dialog.jpg2015-09-25_085732.jpg

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Message 10 of 10