01-18-2018 01:20 PM
This seems to me a very odd error. The VI has worked fine as designed with 3 channels, but now when I want to add a fourth, I get Error -200088. task invalid or doesn't exist.
When tested in DAQ assistant, everything works fine, so the channels are setup OK, but for some reason adding a channel makes the task invalid. On a whim I tried deleting a channel rather than adding it and it had the same effect. Deleting and recreating the task assistant didn't solve the issue either. Thanks for any tips!
NI 9219
Solved! Go to Solution.
01-19-2018 05:37 PM
How interesting. I opened your VI and was able to successfully add and remove channels in DAQ Assistant, just like you described (using a simulated device). However, I can't run your full VI because there are Type Defs and subVIs missing. Could you include your entire project so that I can run the VI?
01-20-2018 11:11 AM
Seemed totally random to me too. Even deleting the daq assistant VI and recreating it from scratch gave the same issue. It working for you made me curious if my VI is even the issue, so I tried moving a read straight after the daq assistant- same error, image attached as well. Very odd- I imagine it must be some issue software side on my computer?
Windows 7 x64, SP1; LV2014 v14.0 x64 for my other hardware too.
01-22-2018 12:11 PM
Are you able to create a VI with a smaller instance of this case? I tried adding and removing channels on your project and was able to run the program both times without errors, however the program hung and I wasn't able to start and stop it using the front panel. If you can create the smallest possible case of this issue I think it would help us both troubleshoot and pin down the issue!
01-22-2018 02:37 PM
I ended up forgoing the daq assistant and just wiring up the 4 channels manually and everything worked fine. Saved a copy of the VI and deleting everything but the daq assistant and a read- still produced the error. Makes me pretty confident the error is on my side with the daq assistant. I'm going to look for a way to submit the bug to NI. Have not seen anyone else posting about this, not sure if that is because it is easy to work around once you identify the problem or if it just unique to my install.
01-23-2018 10:14 AM
Glad you found a workaround! Again, I wasn't able to produce any errors with the code you provided, so you may want to check on another computer or check with a colleague to see if they see the same behavior you do. After that, if you're confident that you've found a bug you can report it here: