02-17-2012 09:28 AM
I read the data using DAQmx 9.4 VIs. First time everything is OK, but when I try to run my program second time
I get a massage "Error -200457 occurred at DAQmx Read, Possible reasons: Specified property is not supported, because the task is not input task"
and my acquisition card does not read any data.
I call a big VI out of another big VI and every call all acquisition/generation tasks (DAQmx) are reinitialized.
Any ideas about the error ?
I attach the ScreenShot of this error message.
My config:
Windows 7 32 bit
Labview 2009
DAQmx 9.4
Acquisition card - NI PCI-6110
02-17-2012 09:38 AM
May help if you could post the vi. Last time I saw this error i was trying to use a timing function not supported by the board. So its likely to be of that nature. Sorry cant give much more but hope it points you in the right direction.
02-17-2012 10:25 AM
Thanks Tdarkins,
My VI is 420 Mb (with all sub-VIs).
I attach a simplified VI (only the DAQmx part) and screenshot of old version for DAQ initialization, when everything worked fine.
02-20-2012 04:44 AM
Problem solved !
I have noticed that in older version of small VI (used by big VI) tasks were not cleared when pushing exit button (sceenshot, Acquire = false).
In my new version tasks were always cleared when pushing exit button.
So the solutions is - not to clear tasks every time you stop the sub-VI.