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Error 200479

I have attacheted my program below.

I keep geting the error Error -200479 and i don't know why.

Thank you

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Message 1 of 4
Sorry this is the program
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Message 2 of 4

Your VI makes no sense. You have created a single analog in task and then start it twice and have two separate DAQmx Reads. Why? Use a single Start Task and a single DAQmx Read. You will obviously need a multiple sample read for the frequency. I have no idea what your other code is supposed to do for the same channe with a single sample read. What exactly are you trying to accomplish with that Delay Values function? You are only getting a single value from the DAQmx yet there are all those arrays being generated.

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Message 3 of 4

I solved the problem.Thank you.

About the program:

-I use the delay part to detect the passings trough zero from the negative side to the pozitive side

-I opened two tasks because I need to measure the frequency and I could not use the first task because I needed the Sample Clock block


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Message 4 of 4