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Error_389113 when increasing the number of inputs above 10 inputs

Hello everyone, 


In order to get some informations from a Multisensor to a RS 485 through RTU-Modbus protocol I built the following program in LabView: Error_389113.png


I'm wondering why the following error −389113 occurs when I set the number of inputs above 10 inputs: 


LabVIEW: (Hex 0xFFFA1007) A value contained in the query data field is invalid for the Modbus slave.
Function 4 +


The hardware I'm using:


I'm pretty sure that by duplicating the Read Input Registers VI the problem will be solved. However, I would like to understand the cause of the error. 


Is there another way to call the informations than using the unbundle function ? maybe that could help ..



Thank you for your time 😊





best regards 




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Message 1 of 3

Hi Ezzow

Did you to duplicating the Read Input Registers VI as you said? 

After several searches, I came to that conclusion to consider on the error description, because there isn't more information about this error. 



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Message 2 of 3

Hi l.hovs, 


this is the only "possible" explanation I found: 




source: Read Input Registers VI - NI 


Yes, I solved the problem by duplicating the Read Input Registers VI.



best regards, 





Message 3 of 3