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Error 5103 - 7220002

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I have got this error for a first time. I dont really know how to solve it.


I sm using NI cDAQ - 9188  + NI9215. Reading singnal from Conditioning Module

one signal is from Load cell and  enother one from LVDT.


Reading singnals from one module could cause this error.


I have read info about on NI website - non of their solution seem to be applicable for my application.


Many Thanks



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Message 1 of 8

Actually it is error -50103. not 5103.


If you search the forums, you'll see this error is pretty common.  It happens when someone tries to create two different tasks talking to the same device.


The solution is to create one task that includes both channels.

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Message 2 of 8

Thanks for reply. 


I quite new with LabVIEW. Could you tell how can I create one task with two channels.Thanks.





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Message 3 of 8

In the I/O control, you can select more than one channel.  Use the Browse choice and use shift and/or control to select multiple channels.   Then instead of 1 channel N samples, use N channels 1 samples for your DAQmx read.  You can only have 1 acquisition rate.


But check your rate.  You have it set for 1000 Hz and a wait of 1000 msec in your loop.  You'll quickly fill up your buffer as you acquire 1000 samples every second, but only pick off one.  You also want to be careful about having an array grow endlessly in your loop.

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Message 4 of 8



I have changed NI. Now I read N channels N samples 2D DBL. SO on output Of Read function I have got 2d ARRAY?  Could you give a tip how to split and read a signal from channels separately.



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Message 5 of 8

Index Array function.


I would recommend you learn more about LabVIEW from here. How to Learn LV

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Message 6 of 8



I have accoplished CORE1 & 2 learning coures. I know how to use Index Array function. What I am worry about is that I am goint to aquire date from read function  (array is buliding) then is going to be connected to Index Array than I will built subarray with the value from each channel. Can I read using this way with no data looses or I will have to build application based on queue?

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Message 7 of 8
Accepted by topic author gregorian7

You aren't going to lose data.


Index Array takes a larger array and breaks it into smaller pieces so that you can do with them what you need to.  You can take your 2-D array and make 1-D arrays out of it either per column, or per row depending on which way the data is structured coming out of the DAQmx read.


If you know how to use Index Array, then use it.  Try it out.  See if it works the way you need to.  If it doesn't, then come back and show the problem and look for another solution.

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Message 8 of 8